Tuesday, 28 June 2016

through the years: june

It's almost the end of the month, so I better put this post of June outfits 2011-2016 up before it does end! Here we go:

 2011: I'd still wear both of these, but there were also more questionable choices in 2011. I still wear the white sleeveless shirt in the first one quite often - especially at work. And these two outfits have made me realize my wardrobe is lacking: I need 1) a black skirt (I used to have several, now zero!), 2) denim shorts, and 3) a blue shirt (with or without sleeves). This shirt was so nice! And I need to start wearing my grandpa's old watch that's in the second picture again. In the first picture I'm still in Edinburgh and in the second by the river at my childhood home. Missing both those places!

 2012: I haven't worn my graduation dress or hat since this day but I wish I had and I will try and do so at some point in the future! But I actually could recreate both of these outfits if I wanted to. Apart from the red Risto-Matti Ratia wellies who served me well in their time. And that blazer+dress combo has been seen on me more recently than 2012, too!

 2013: Can we talk about this kind of filters and edits that were featured on my blog all the time? 2013 isn't even that long ago, why did I think these were cool, haha? I like the outfit, though! Both the playsuit and the top are in a pile of to-be-sold clothes, but if I still fitted into the playsuit I'd be wearing it all summer like I used to! These shoes were pretty neat, too.

 2014: I only added the first photo because not more than two weeks ago I added that blue dress to the to-be-sold pile, and here it looks rather pretty and I'm doubting myself. But even if the dress goes, I should start wearing all my pretty socks, like these violet print ones, more often! And I loved having my hair like it is in the first one. As in the title of the original post, the second one is an uncharacteristically casual Laura. I love the hat and the t-shirt; both are still worn on the regular. I really liked the trousers as well, but at the same time didn't feel comfortable in them. Which is why I didn't have them that long. I'd still be open to finding and wearing a good pair of printed trousers!

 2015: Ah, my favourite graveyard in Leeds and trusty outfit photo spot! I do actually own every piece of clothing here, now a year later, apart from the shoes. It's not a bad one, but I definitely would not wear this again on a windy day.. Literally half the population of Leeds saw my underwear (both bra and knickers) on that day!

2016: And here's an outfit from the beginning of the month that I'll finally post later in the week!

Let me know which year/outfit is your favourite, or if there's any you find particularly off, haha!

I've added links to the original posts to the previous "Through the years" posts now as well, after realizing I hadn't done so before. So if you fancy reading those and seeing the outfits of previous months, you can find them here: April | May


The Equinox Fashion by Paweerata said...

omg you with the long hair! I can't remember how you looked like now! However, I prefer the short one as you look so cute! ^^

Jenna Opsahl said...

Aww you are just so cute. I love your grandfather's watch, you should definitely wear it more! Thank you for the kind words <3


Laura Mitbrodt said...

It looks like June is going so well, I love that distressed photo

Miguel Gouveia said...

Thanks a lot, my dear :D

Sounds that you have an amazing moments! Great photos!

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E said...

Love your pants from 2014!

District of Chic

Laila said...

Can I just say I LOVE these through the year outfit posts. I might borrow the idea for a post although I'm nowhere near as regular on outfit posts as you are so I imagine I'd be really struggling for some months...! Also, you've just reminded me that I too, no longer have a black skirt and I'd consider that a bit of a wardrobe staple that I need to rectify. :) x

Laura Jones said...

Gail J - i know, it's so different! thank you, dear! i'm growing it back again though, haha! xx

Jenna Opsahl - aw, thank you, doll! you're too sweet:-) xx

Laura Mitbrodt - june wasn't too bad. and haha, thanks, lovely! xx

Miguel Gouveia - thanks, pal! x

E - thank you, chick! the print was pretty great! xx

Ania Zarzycka - thank you, hun! x

Laila - thank you so much, darling! so lovely to hear:-) it's not even originally my idea, but you should definitely try it! and do it seasonally if not monthly, haha. i've thought i need to get a black skirt for over six months now, but still haven't.. xx

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