Tuesday, 28 February 2017

through the years: february

Another month, another one of these! Hope you're ready for some older photos and outfits from Februaries past:

 2011: This is most probably the one that has made me cringe the most so far. Not the outfit really, because it's only jeans and a top (And I used to wear both of them a lot!). But why did I ever think this was a good photo to post? That's one awkward pose and face.

 2012: On the other hand, this one with all the grandma clothes is still a favourite. I still wear the blazer all the time. The headscarf doesn't get out as much, but it should! Even though the dress isn't as old as my grandma's clothes, it's gotten a fair share of use already as well - and still does, but mostly just around the house these days. I don't have these exact slippers anymore, but a very similar pair since I am a literal grandma and go through slippers like it's nobody's business. Also, why was wearing leggings under your heel like this a thing and why did I participate in such a thing?

 2013: I'd still probably wear this Valentine-y outfit again. I love the pink sweater and am glad to say I still have it. And although I'm definitely more into less figure-hugging skirts these days, this one doesn't look too bad. Other things to note; my hair's long (in all these earlier photos) and a lovely uni halls door.

 2014: This is cute, yes? I wish I still had the skirt, but at some point I thought it'd be a good idea to sell it. A shame. The top's the same as in 2011: I said I wore it a lot. This outfit definitely makes me a) miss this skirt, b) want to wear more colours, and c) want to find some of my older jewellery like the necklace I'm wearing!

 2015: Not the best photo, but I liked this outfit and this whole look at the time. I'm still into the make-up, jewellery and hair, but don't have the shirt or the leggings (that you can't even see in this photo) anymore. Patterned leggings might not have been my thing in the first place. I do love a good oversized shirt though, and they go well with a pair of leggings. What a conundrum.

 2016: This can't have been over a year ago. I feel like it was just about yesterday that I looked like this. This also means that it's been over a year since I last got a hair cut (but if everything goes to plan and I continue trying to grow my hair, I won't have a proper cut for at least another year, haha.). Anyway, I would and could wear this again. I still have the skirt, and the t-shirt - although it's been demoted to being sleepwear - and I've given the cardi to my mum but could still borrow it off her. I look pretty okay here, if you don't mind me saying so. (And if you do mind, who are you?)

2017: Technically this Moomin outfit is from January, but I posted it in February so surely it counts. 10/10, would wear again - especially the jumper. I had to throw these shoes away since they developed a hole and it was a mildly sad occasion. They served me well over the years, but now I can go and look for more summery ones! Quite exciting.

 Hope you're having a good last day of Feb and also looking forward to spring (it's spring tomorrow, right?)! And as always let me know if you have a favourite or least favourite Laura February outfit!

You can find previous through the years posts here: AprilMayJuneJuly & AugustJanuary |


E said...

These are so fun. You have a great collection of tie tops and I want that sweatshirt!

District of Chic

Corinne said...

I love how I can remember a lot of these from when you originally posted them!

Corinne x

Unknown said...

I cannot WAIT for spring, bring it on! You look so young in that first photo, I can't believe it! I also hadn't realised until this post how long you've been blogging for. I started in September 2012, and I thought that was a long time! xx


Lux G. said...

Great collection. I especially love the top with L. :)

Sakuranko said...

Oh I love it your first coordinate!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

You get more and more beautiful with age :) I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Miguel Gouveia said...

Thanks a lot :D

you look great :D I'm in love with all combos :D

NEW FASHION POST | How To Use Colored Looks: Tips, Inspo, Shopping Guide.
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BEAUTYEDITER.COM – Beauty Blog said...

Really nice! Have a great new day.


The Reader's Tales said...

I like the pic no. 6 :) you look so cute and fresh.
P.S. I love that cardi a lot, Laura!

Anna and Klaudia said...

Wow!! Really amazing looks dear <33
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The Mad Twins said...

I love the outfit of 2013. You looks so sweet on that picture! :)

Laura Mitbrodt said...

I love the time lapse

Laura Jones said...

E - thank you, chick! and hat's understandable haha, it's a great jumper! xx

Corinne - i love that as well! we've known each other for quite a while now, hun! xx

Jess Acton - yess, exactly, gal! and i know, such a babyface, haha! that is a long time:-) i started in december 2010, so haven't blogged that much longer than you. and i've never gotten as srious about it as i'd want to, haha! xx

Lux G. - thank you, love! and the jumper is a favourite of mine, too:-) xx

Sakuranko - thank you, pet! xx

Optimistic Existentialist - thank you, pal! xx

Miguel Gouveia - thank you, hon! xx

Style For Mankind - thanks, hen! you too! xx

The Reader's Tales - thank you very much, lovely! xx

Ania Zarzycka - thank you, babe! xx

The Mad Twins - why, thank you, chicken! xx

Laura Mitbrodt - thanks, dear! glad you do:-) xx

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